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"Yoga as a physical activity is just the tip of the iceberg...Yoga is not only bodywork. Much more is there, the body is attention. In this attention the image of the body has no place. What remains is silence. »


"Yoga is an art...It is a celebration...It does not bring anything. It is a celebration…It does not bring anything. It is the realisation of our deepest intuition that the beauty of life is in every moment. 

No effort is required. Body sensitivity comes naturally. To explore the body is first to discover how little we feel... The body is tension, memory, density. To feel this lack of life... To stay with what presents itself, whether I like it or not. Then something awakens...You no longer listen to the body as an object but you are the listening...There is no longer a separation between the body and the environment...

This is the beginning of an endless journey. It is not you who travel in the body, it is the body which travels in you. 

The body opens up, it is free of density. The subtle energy awakens everywhere, then it is a worship. 

When the body as an object disappears, the subject also disappears. There is stillness, silence. »


"Yoga is practiced with ardour as if it would be the last time, with wonder as if it were the first time. The practitioner disappears into the practice. »


This yoga requires no particular preparation. The exploration of the body can be done whatever in any physical form.

Eric Baret




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Sitting, a position of welcoming life...

Noticing how the body is in the moment. Follow the sensations. Attention to the breath.

Let the body settle until it becomes one with the environment.

Doing nothing. Letting it happen. The body finds the direction and aligns itself.

The emphasis is on sensitivity, not performance. 

Micro-movements - I can go further, I go less far - quarter poses, half poses.... 

The movements are done at a slow rhythm, without mobilizing the muscles. 

Everything happens in listening, which frees the body from its tensions, its density. 

Do not create anything. Remaining in vacuity.

No wanting, no knowing, no intention, no goal.

Focus on listening to what is there without any comment, any judgment.

When a muscular tension is released, there is also a psychological letting go.

Being rather than doing. Presence. 

Yoga is transposed into all aspects of daily life. Flexibility, availability.



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